Article voiceover
BLUE & BLUE THE SEA and blue the gloom of night Blue the winter sky Blue is the proud jay who cries; Blue corn-flower blooms in meadow in the light Bluebells in the shade Where the jay's home he has made; Blue the berry plump in August's fiery heat Bella-donna blue Sharing the jay's heavn'ly hue; Blue the crab a-lurking in the muck and deep Blue the swimming bream What are the shades of his dream? Blue the karner-wing amid the lupine stands Blue the bluebird too From the old world he once flew Blue a shadow seems on snowdrift where it lands Blue the glint of dawn Jay sings the night that has gone; Blue, we say, the tear of he who sorrow tastes Deepest indigo Does sadness jay also know? In the zenith blue and in the wintry' wastes Calls out just the same Does bluejay search for his name? He a bird of heaven, legend by his right? Everything he made 'Fore to create was forbade? Devil's servant then to gather in his flight Fire for the fell Comfort an old ne'er-do-well?* Blue is almost-violet, blue is indigo Cyan's also blue-- Bluejay has caught every hue Blue's a little flat, indecent as you know Loud and rude and brash Fly away now, in a flash!
Author’s note: *is based on a pair of black American legends concerning blue-jays, which are American birds.
Author’s second note: To really go insane, try to understand the etymology of ‘blue’.
Beautiful, love it, weird in the best sense of the word. I do notice that you write on a steady basis, the rythm and craft I find in their place.
Never thought of blue’s etymology, but it is definitely a weird word, perfect for your craft