Article voiceover
Surely night is calling, as in garden comes Sounds crepuscular, chorus of chirping and hums; Light is fading quickly, land in shadow lies Sun has hid his face, left are cerulean skies; Friend of darkened meadows makes his fav'rite call Asking who is there, saying he knows well us all; Owl is seeking secrets creeping in the shade Seeing more than I, what unknown pact has he made? Though he knows no letters, tell me he is wise Book he surely reads, when under twilight it lies; Had he read all stories, knowing all the facts Could he change his mind, words being that which he lacks? If I had all wisdom, would I get new eyes? Would Owl look behind, not unto where he now flies? Faces have direction, Owl tells me so Looking but one way, nothing behind them they know; World without direction, men all things who read Knowledge fades to dark, word cancels word, we recede.