Article voiceover
Robin, red of breast whose nest is near my door-- Safety knows he not; trusting me means quite a lot; Leaving eggs behind when going to the store Step outside to walk, startling him with idle talk; Times there were when he would build upon the floor! Eggs as blue as sky; in his half-made nest often lie; Locks are not a thing which Robin seems to know-- Yet his kind are here; will they not soon disappear? Friends of his have homes unseen from down below So secure from theft, eggs must be kept and not left; Bold he is perhaps, a dare to those who show Wanting him for food, has he a fight in his blood? First to come in Spring, so long as Springs may be-- Dance upon the grass, gather in roost for your Mass; Is his trust repaid for long posterity? Half may pass the year, he is not valued so dear-- None may pass the pen which counts the price of he Living light he flies, singing he lives and he dies.