When it is time, you will know what to do.

The work on this site is provided for my own enrichment, if it pleases you to read regularly, do so at your own leisure.

The general schedule of posting is that poetry is released at around 9am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

On Monday I release larger poems, generally of a medium length.

On Wednesday I release epigrams, which are short poems that act as historical anecdotes that resist being forgotten and serve to preserve the memory of unusual events or our time’s view of particular persons.

On Friday I release either specifically alliterative poetry or verse fiction.

I do not encourage people to subscribe, as the nature of public discourse distorts one’s ability to tell the truth.

Even if you subscribe, there’s no guarantee I will listen to you. Naturally, flattery will get you everywhere, so if you wish to say flattering things you may find me more tolerant.

Community as such does not exist on the internet, so don’t subscribe ‘for the community’. Please do not link to me on social media, but if you wish to spread my work without attribution, be warned that it is highly subversive and sharing it risks spreading the contagion.

Since it is the internet and I am not rich, I have no practical way to enforce copyright. Furthermore, if there were something I thought worth selling, I wouldn’t post it on the internet.

If after this you’d still like to subscribe, by all means do so:

Additionally, if you would actually like to support us monetarily, the link below will allow you to make one-time donations. I do not at present accept cryptocurrency, but may in the future.

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"For every one shall be salted with fire."


A poet, unfashionable